ITE/ABB/BBC/Gould type K-1600S 1600AF Manually Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: K-1600S MO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: ABB/ITE/BBC/GouldProduct Line: K-LineAmps: 1600A FrameOperation: Manually OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 50kAIC Description: The K-1600S is a 1600A Frame, Manually Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker and was manufactured by ITE, BBC, Gould and ABB throughout its original production. It was originally outfitted with Power Shield over-current trip devices, […]

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ABB type K-2000M 2000AF Electrically Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: K-2000M EO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: ABBProduct Line: K-LineAmps: 2000A FrameOperation: Electrically OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: MPS-C 2000Voltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 65kAIC Description: The K-2000M is a 2000A Frame, Electrically Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker and was manufactured by ABB. The ‘M’ designation represents ABB’s last production run of K-Line breakers and unlike the asbestos arc chutes […]

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ITE/ABB/BBC/Gould type K-3000S 3000AF Electrically Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: K-3000S EO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: ABB/ITE/BBC/GouldProduct Line: K-LineAmps: 3000A FrameOperation: Electrically OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 75kAIC Description: The K-3000S is a 3000A Frame, Electrically Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker and was manufactured by ITE, BBC, Gould and ABB throughout its original production. It was originally outfitted with Power Shield Solid State Overcurrent […]

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ITE/ABB/BBC/Gould type K-4000S 4000AF Electrically Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: K-4000S EO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: ABB/ITE/BBC/GouldProduct Line: K-LineAmps: 4000A FrameOperation: Electrically OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 100kAIC Description: The K-4000S is a 4000A Frame, Electrically Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker and was manufactured by ITE, BBC, Gould and ABB throughout its original production. It was originally outfitted with Power Shield Solid State Overcurrent […]

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Federal Pacific FPS-5-50 Electrically Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: FPS-5-50 EO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: Federal Pacific (FPE)Product Line: FPS5Amps: 1600A FrameOperation: Electrically / Motor OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 50kAIC Description: The Federal Pacific (FPE) FPS-5-50 is a 1600A Frame, Electrically Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker. It was originally outfitted with overcurrent trip devices type SSD, however, new trip unit models are […]

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Federal Pacific FP-25 Manually Operated, Fixed Mounted Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: FP-25 MO/BIOriginal Manufacturer: Federal Pacific (FPE)Product Line: FPAmps: 600A FrameOperation: Manually OperatedMounting: Bolt-in / Fixed Mounted Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 25kAIC Description: The Federal Pacific (FPE) FP-25 MO/BI is a 600A Frame, Manually Operated, Bolt-in / Fixed Mounted Air Circuit Breaker. It was originally outfitted with either TD-1 (LI) or TD-2 (LS) series […]

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Federal Pacific FP-50 Manually Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: FP-50 MO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: Federal Pacific (FPE)Product Line: FPAmps: 1600A FrameOperation: Manually OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 50kAIC Description: The Federal Pacific (FPE) FP-50 MO/DO is a 1600A Frame, Manually Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker. It was originally outfitted with either TD-1 (LI) or TD-2 (LS) series overcurrent trip devices, however, new […]

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Federal Pacific FP-50 Electrically Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: FP-50 EO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: Federal Pacific (FPE)Product Line: FPAmps: 1600A FrameOperation: Electrically / Motor OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 50kAIC Description: The Federal Pacific (FPE) FP-50 is a 1600A Frame, Electrically Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker. It was originally outfitted with either TD-1 (LI) or TD-2 (LS) series overcurrent trip devices, however, […]

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Federal Pacific FP-100 3000A Fixed Mounted Electrically Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: FP-100 EO/BIOriginal Manufacturer: Federal Pacific (FPE)Product Line: FPAmps: 3000A FrameOperation: Electrically / Motor OperatedMounting: Fixed Mounted / Bolt-in Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 100kAIC Description: The featured Federal Pacific (FPE) FP-100 is a 3000A Frame, Electrically Operated, Fixed Mounted / Bolt-in Style Air Circuit Breaker. It was originally outfitted with either TD-1 (LI) or […]

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Federal Pacific FP-75 Electrically Operated Air Circuit Breaker.

Part/Catalog Number: FP-75 EO/DOOriginal Manufacturer: Federal Pacific (FPE)Product Line: FPAmps: 3000A FrameOperation: Electrically / Motor OperatedMounting: Draw-out Trip Unit: AC-ProVoltage: 600V MaxInterrupting Capacity: 75kAIC Description: The Federal Pacific (FPE) FP-75 is a 3000A Frame, Electrically Operated, Draw-out Style Air Circuit Breaker. It was originally outfitted with either TD-1 (LI) or TD-2 (LS) series overcurrent trip devices, however, […]

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