CBS Northeast Leads the Way in Industrial Switchgear

Many companies have contributed to the growth and development of industrial switchgear, but no company has played a larger role than General Electric. Although Circuit Breaker Sales NE stocks every model of GE industrial switchgear dating back to the equipment’s origins, we also handle equipment from other industrial switchgear manufacturers for both indoor and outdoor installations. […]

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Circuit Breaker Sales Northeast Acquires Sertec Relay Services

Circuit Breaker Sales Northeast, Inc. (CBS Northeast), a Group CBS company and a leading provider and servicer of new and used circuit breakers, switchgear, and related components, is pleased to announce its acquisition of the assets of protective relay specialist service company Sertec, LLC (Wallingford, CT). ÊSertec specializes in buying, selling, and repairing protective relays and other specialty electrical equipment and will operate as a division of CBS Northeast. […]

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